Samborskii I., Filchenkov A., Korneev G., Farseev A. Person, Organization, or Personage: Towards User Account Type Prediction in Microblogs. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019. Vol. 947. pp. 111-122.
Internship guidance and methodological advice for foreign students of ITMO University: Student handbook.
Vatian A., Lobantsev A., Gorokhov N., Mirzayanov M., Korneev G., Gusarova N.F., Shalyto A.A. Data processing approaches for lung CT-image analysis under resource constraints. Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of the International Conferences on E-health. 2019. pp. 19-26.
Kachalsky I., Zabashta A., Filchenkov A., Korneev G. Generating Datasets for Classification Task and Predicting Best Classifiers with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2019. pp. 97-101.
Avdyukhin D., Chivilikhin D., Korneev G., Ulyantsev V., Shalyto A. Plant Trace Generation for Formal Plant Model Inference: Methods and Case Study. Proceedings of 2017 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). 2017. pp. 746-752.
Eremeev A., Korneev G., Semenov A., Veijalainen J. The spanning tree based approach for solving the shortest path problem in social graphs. WEBIST 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. 2016. Vol. 1. pp. 42-53.
Samborskii I., Filchenkov A., Korneev G., Farseev A.I. Person, Organization, or Personage: Towards User Account Type Prediction in Microblogs. Proceedings of First New Zealand Text Mining Workshop (TMNZ 2016). 2016.
Petrova I., Buzdalova A., Korneev G. Runtime Analysis of Random Local Search with Reinforcement Based Selection of Non-Stationary Auxiliary Objectives: Initial Study. Mendel. 2016. pp. 95-102.
Antipov D., Buzdalov M., Korneev G. First Steps in Runtime Analysis of Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation for the Dijkstra Algorithm using an Evolutionary Algorithm. Mendel. 2016. pp. 43-48.
Buzdalova A., Matveeva A., Korneev G. Selection of Auxiliary Objectives with Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning. GECCO'15: Proceedings of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. 2015. pp. 1177-1180.
Корнеев Г.А., Малаховски Я.М. Валидация автоматов с переменными на функциональных языках программирования. Научно-технический вестник СПбГУ ИТМО. 2010. № 06(70). С. 73-77.
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