Korzin A.I., Leonenko V.N. Uncertainty Quantification for the Stochastic Modeling of Influenza Propagation: How Many Simulation Runs is Enough. 2024 IEEE 25th International Conference of Young Professionals in Electron Devices and Materials (EDM). 2024. pp. 2200-2203.
Senichev S.D., Fandeev A.A., Leonenko V.N. Accelerating multiagent epidemic modeling with surrogate-based methods. 2024 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON). 2024. pp. 220-223.
Korzin A.I., Kaparulin T.I., Leonenko V.N. Assessing the Effect of Influenza Vaccination Strategies Using Multi-agent Modeling. 3rd International Conference on Problems of Informatics, Electronics and Radio Engineering, PIERE 2024. 2024. pp. 1000-1003.
Korzin A.I., Kaparulin T.I., Leonenko V.N. Assessing the Applicability of the Multiagent Modeling Approach to the Epidemic Surveillance of COVID-19 in Russian Cities. 2024 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON). 2024. pp. 237-242.
Использование интерпретируемых алгоритмов машинного обучения для моделирования динамики заболеваемости во время эпидемии
Урбанистические факторы динамики эпидемических ОРВИ: анализ на основе мультиагентых моделей
Huaman I., Leonenko V. Does Complex Mean Accurate: Comparing COVID-19 Propagation Models with Different Structural Complexity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2023. Vol. 10475. pp. 270–277.
Леоненко В.Н., Корзин А.И., Даниленко Д.М. Применение математических моделей динамики заболеваемости эпидемическими ОРВИ для увеличения эффективности эпидемиологического надзора [Application of Mathematical Models of the Dynamics of the Epidemic Acute Respiratory Viral Infections to Increase the Efficiency of Epidemiological Surveillance]. Математическая биология и биоинформатика [Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics]. 2023. Т. 18. № 2. С. 517–542.
Sahatova K., Kharlunin A., Huaman I., Leonenko V. Accounting for Data Uncertainty in Modeling Acute Respiratory Infections: Influenza in Saint Petersburg as a Case Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2023. Vol. 10475. pp. 286-299.
Sahatova K., Kharlunin A., Leonenko V. A Novel Approach to Modeling and Visualisation of Epidemic Outbreaks: Combining Manual and Automatic Calibration. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Computational Technologies in Cognitive Science, Genomics and Biomedicine, CSGB 2023. 2023. pp. 221-226.
Kharlunin A., Huaman I., Leonenko V. Inferring Values of Epidemic Indicators via SEIR Models to Enhance Epidemiological Surveillance in Russia. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Computational Technologies in Cognitive Science, Genomics and Biomedicine, CSGB 2023. 2023. pp. 202-207.
прогнозирование распространения заболеваний на основе пространственно-временных данных с использованием сверточных нейронных сетей
Leonenko V.N., Kaliberda Y., Muravyova Y.V., Artyukh V. A Decision Support Framework for Periprosthetic Joint Infection Treatment: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Using Two Modeling Approaches. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 8. pp. 1216.
Leonenko V. A Hybrid Modeling Framework for City-Scale Dynamics of Multi-strain Influenza Epidemics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2022. Vol. 13352. pp. 164-177.
Huaman I., Plesovskaya E.P., Leonenko V.N. Matching model complexity with data detail: influenza propagation modeling as a case study. 2022 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON). 2022. pp. 650-654.
Matveeva A., Leonenko V. Application of Gaussian process regression as a surrogate modeling method to assess the dynamics of COVID-19 propagation. Procedia Computer Science. 2022. Vol. 212. pp. 340-347.
Pasala K., Putnikov S., Leonenko V.N. Calibrating deterministic compartmental models of infection dynamics using neural network and data sampling approaches. Proceedings - 2022 Ural-Siberian Conference on Computational Technologies in Cognitive Science, Genomics and Biomedicine, CSGB 2022. 2022. pp. 100-103.
Kaliberda Y., Leonenko V.N., Artyukh V. Towards cost-effective treatment of periprosthetic joint infection: from statistical analysis to Markov models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2021. Vol. 12744. pp. 494-505.
Leonenko V.N. Modeling Co-circulation of Influenza Strains in Heterogeneous Urban Populations: The Role of Herd Immunity and Uncertainty Factors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2021. Vol. 12744. pp. 663-669.
Danilenko D.M., Eropkin M.Y., Leonenko V.N., Konovalova N., Petrova P., Zheltukhina A., Vassilieva A. Assessment of rat polyclonal antisera's suitability in hemagglutination inhibition assay for influenza surveillance and antigenic mapping. Journal of Virological Methods. 2021. Vol. 293. pp. 114170.
Leonenko V.N. Herd immunity levels and multi-strain influenza epidemics in Russia: a modelling study. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling. 2021. Vol. 36. No. 5. pp. 279-291.
Вероятностные методы анализа данных: учебно-методическое пособие по выполнению лабораторных работ
Leonenko V.N., Kaliberda Y., Artyuk V. A modeling framework for decision support in periprosthetic joint infection treatment. Studies in health technology and informatics. 2021. Vol. 285. pp. 106-111.
Leonenko V.N., Danilenko D.M. Modeling the dynamics of population immunity to influenza in Russian cities. ITM Web of Conferences. 2020. Vol. 31. pp. 03001.
Leonenko V.N. Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Acute Coronary Syndrome Cases Using Synthesized Data on Arterial Hypertension Prevalence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2020. Vol. 12140 LNCS. pp. 483-494.
Leonenko V.N., Arzamastsev S., Bobashev G. Contact patterns and influenza outbreaks in Russian cities: A proof-of-concept study via agent-based modeling. Journal of Computational Science. 2020. Vol. 44. pp. 101156.
Arzamastsev S.A., Leonenko V.N. A demographic microsimulation model for the long-term evolution of synthetic populations in Saint-Petersburg. Доклады Международной конференции "Математическая биология и биоинформатика". 2020. Vol. 8. pp. 157-161.
Leonenko V.N., Kovalchuk S.V. Analyzing the spatial distribution of individuals predisposed to arterial hypertension in Saint Petersburg using synthetic populations. ITM Web of Conferences. 2020. Vol. 31. pp. 03002.
Попова Е.П., Леоненко В.Н. Прогнозирование реакции пользователей в социальных сетях методами машинного обучения [Machine learning methods for forecasting of social network users’ reactio]. Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics]. 2020. Т. 20. № 1(125). С. 118-124.
Owusu P.A., Leonenko V.N., Mamchik N.A., Skorb E.V. Modeling the growth of dendritic electroless silver colonies using hexagonal cellular automata. Procedia Computer Science. 2019. Vol. 156. pp. 43-48.
Leonenko V.N., Lobachev A.I., Bobashev G. Spatial modeling of influenza outbreaks in Saint Petersburg using synthetic population. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2019. Vol. 11536. pp. 492-505.
Карпова Л.С., Соминина А.А., Даниленко Д.М., Волик К.М., Леоненко В.Н. Оценка эффективности базовых линий и порогов интенсивности эпидемий по результатам традиционного надзора за гриппом [Evaluation of the effectiveness of baselines and thresholds intensity epidemics, according to the results of traditional surveillance for influenza]. Эпидемиология и вакцинопрофилактика [Epidemiologiya i Vaktsinoprofilaktika]. 2019. Т. 18. № 4. С. 4-13.
Leonenko V.N., Bobashev G. Analyzing influenza outbreaks in Russia using an age-structured dynamic transmission model. Epidemics. 2019. Vol. 29. pp. 100358.
Bates S., Leonenko V.N., Rineer J., Bobashev G. Using synthetic populations to understand geospatial patterns in opioid related overdose and predicted opioid misuse. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 2019. Vol. 25. No. 1. pp. 36-47.
Leonenko V.N., Ivanov S.V. Prediction of influenza peaks in Russian cities: comparing the accuracy of two SEIR models. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 2018. Vol. 15. No. 1. pp. 209–232.
Bates S., Leonenko V.N., Rineer J., Bobashev G. Using synthetic populations to understand geospatial patterns in opioid related overdose and predicted opioid misuse. International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, BRiMS 2018. 2018.
Математическая эпидемиология: учебно-методическое пособие по выполнению лабораторных работ
Leonenko V.N., Novoselova Y.K. Influence of External Factors on Inter-City Influenza Spread in Russia: A Modeling Approach. Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems. 2018. pp. 375-389.
Leonenko V.N., Bochenina K.O., Kesarev S.A. Influenza peaks forecasting in Russia: assessing the applicability of statistical methods. Procedia Computer Science. 2017. Vol. 108. pp. 2363-2367.
Artzrouni M., Leonenko V.N., Mara T.A. A syringe-sharing model for the spread of HIV: application to Omsk, Western Siberia. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. 2017. Vol. 34. No. 1. pp. 15-37.
Seleznev N.E., Leonenko V.N. Boosting Performance of Influenza Outbreak Prediction Framework. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2017. Vol. 745. pp. 374-384.
Анализ и моделирование темпоральных комплексных сетей
Анализ и моделирование темпоральных комплексных сетей
Seleznev N.E., Leonenko V.N. Absolute humidity anomalies and the influenza onsets in Russia: A computational study. Procedia Computer Science. 2017. Vol. 119. pp. 224-233.
Leonenko V.N., Ivanov S.V., Novoselova Y.K. A computational approach to investigate patterns of acute respiratory illness dynamics in the regions with distinct seasonal climate transitions. Procedia Computer Science. 2016. Vol. 80. pp. 2402-2413.
Леоненко В.Н., Новоселова Ю.К., Онг К. Предсказание пиков эпидемий гриппа в Санкт-Петербурге с помощью популяционных математических моделей. Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics]. 2016. Т. 16. № 6(106). С. 1145–1148.
Leonenko V.N., Novoselova Y.K., Ong K.M. Influenza Outbreaks Forecasting in Russian Cities: Is Baroyan-rvachev Approach Still Applicable?. Procedia Computer Science. 2016. Vol. 101. pp. 282-291.
Слоот П., Холыст Я., Кампис Ж., Лис М., Митягин С.А., Иванов С.В., Боченина К.О., Павлова В.Ю., Мухина К.Д., Насонов Д.А., Бутаков Н.А., Леоненко В.Н., Ланцева А.А., Бухановский А.В. Суперкомпьютерное моделирование критических явлений в сложных социальных системах. Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics]. 2016. Т. 16. № 6(106). С. 967-995.
Leonenko V.N., Ivanov S.V. Fitting the SEIR model of seasonal influenza outbreak to the incidence data for Russian cities. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling. 2016. Vol. 31. No. 5. pp. 267-279.
Leonenko V.N., Pertsev N.V., Artzrouni M. Using high performance algorithms for the hybrid simulation of disease dynamics on CPU and GPU. Procedia Computer Science. 2015. Vol. 51. pp. 150-159.
Российская Федерация, Москва
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация, Москва
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация
Российская Федерация, Москва
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Российская Федерация
США, Дархам
Италия, Трапани
Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург