Сиповский Г.В., Тесля Н.Н. Joint Entity and Relation Extraction: a Survey. Proceedings of 8th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2024. 2025. pp. (не напечатано).
Sipovskii G., Teslya N. Matching Literature Heritage Entities From Heterogeneous Data Sources Based On The Textual Description. Proceedings of the 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2024. pp. 707-714.
Kassab K., Teslya N. An Approach to a Linked Corpus Creation for a Literary Heritage Based on the Extraction of Entities from Texts. Applied Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 2. pp. 585.
Girin A., Teslya N., Shilov N. Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia. 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2022. 2024. Vol. 1. pp. 480-487.
Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N., Hasan F., Kitenko A., Dukareva V., Abdurakhimov M., Zingarevich A., Blokhin D. An Approach to Engineering Drawing Organization: Title Block Detection and Processing. IEEE Access. 2023. pp. in press.
Mohammed S., Teslya N. Joint recognition of text and layout in historical russian documents. Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics]. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 3(145). pp. 585-594.
Mohammed S., Teslya N. Handwritten Paragraph Recognition Using Spatial Information on Russian Notebooks Dataset. Proceedings of the 34rd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2023. pp. 108-113.
Volkov A., Teslya N., Savosin N. Web API Service to RDF Mapping Method for Querying Distributed Data Sources. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023. Vol. 717. pp. 204-213.
Smirnov A., Teslya N. Ontology-oriented Method for Road Accident Geoanalysis. Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2023. 2023. pp. 225-228.
Teslya N., Mohammed S. Deep Learning for Handwriting Text Recognition: Existing Approaches and Challenges. Proceedings of the 31st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2022. pp. 339-346.
Volkov A., Teslya N., Moskvitin G., Brovin N., Bochkarev E. Spatio-temporal data sources integration with ontology for road accidents analysis. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2022. Vol. 444. pp. 251-262.
Ryabchikov I.A., Teslia N. Estimating position of multiple people in common 3d space via city surveillance cameras. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2021. pp. 9347579.
Методы и алгоритмы решения линейных оптимизационных задач
Teslya N., Smirnov A., Ionov A., Kudrov A. Multi-robot Coalition Formation for Precision Agriculture Scenario Based on Gazebo Simulator. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2021. Vol. 187. pp. 329-341.
Горизонтальное масштабирование источников данных при агрегации данных в системе умного города
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Ponomarev A., Teslya N., Gurtov A. Cloud-Based Driver Monitoring System Using a Smartphone. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2020. Vol. 20. No. 12. pp. 6701-6715.
Kashevnik A., Kruglov M., Lashkov I., Teslya N., Mikhailova P., Ripachev E., Malutin V., Saveliev N., Ryabchikov I. Human Psychophysiological Activity Estimation Based on Smartphone Camera and Wearable Electronics. Future internet. 2020. Vol. 12. No. 7. pp. 111.
Shilov N., Teslya N. Personalized Information Representation to Anonymous Users: Digital Signage Case. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. Vol. 1294. pp. 74-86.
Shilov N., Teslia N. Comparing Statistical Measures for Discovering Emerging Terms in Scopus Publications in the Area of Decision Support in Smart City. Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2020. pp. 230-237.
Защита информации
Teslya N., Bakalyar D., Nechaev D., Chugunov A., Moskvitin G., Shilov N. Survey Analysis System for Participatory Budgeting Studies: Saint Petersburg Case. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2020. Vol. 1242. pp. 237-249.
Ryabchikov I., Teslya N., Druzhinin N. Integrating Computer Vision Technologies for Smart Surveillance Purpose. Proceedings of the 26th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2020. pp. 392-401.
Карпович С.Н., Смирнов А.В., Тесля Н.Н. Учет неизвестных слов в вероятностной тематической модели. Информационные технологии и вычислительные системы. 2020. № 4. С. 111-124.
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Ponomarev A.V., Lashkov I., Mayatin A., Parfenov V.G. Driver Monitoring Cloud Organisation Based on Smartphone Camera and Sensor Data. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020. Vol. 1134. pp. 593-600.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I. Ontology-based semantic models for industrial IoT components representation. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2019. Vol. 874. pp. 138-147.
Разработка моделей и методов размещения сервисов умного города как распределенной программной системы
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I.A., Mikhailov S.A. Forming of smart city resident digital identity based on the city sources analysis. 7th IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2019. 2019. pp. 8812838.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I., Lipkin E. The Concept of the Deviant Behavior Detection System via Surveillance Cameras. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2019. Vol. 11624. pp. 169-183.
Тесля Н.Н., Чемоданов М.Н., Красильников П.Н. Коалиционная работа мобильных роботов и людей в социокиберфизической системе на базе онтологического подхода. Научный вестник Новосибирского государственного технического университета. 2019. № 4(77). С. 55-70.
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Mikhailov S., Petrov M., Shabaev A., Krasov A. Ridesharing for Carsharing Service Provider: Driver and Pedestrian Route Matching. Proceedings of the 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2019. pp. 146-152.
Kashevnik A., Lashkov I., Teslya N. Driver intelligent support system in internet of transportation things: Smartphone-based approach. 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2019. 2019. pp. 170-175.
Burunova A., Ponomarev A., Teslya N. Enactable Electronic Contracts in E-Commerce: Models, Technologies and Architectures. Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2019. pp. 54-59.
Turov N., Shilov N., Teslya N. Digital Signage Personalization Through Analysis of the Visual Information About Viewers. Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2019. pp. 444-450.
Shilov N., Smirnova O., Morozova P., Turov N., Shchekotov M., Teslya N. Digital Signage Personalization for Smart City: Major Requirements and Approach. 7th IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking, BlackSeaCom 2019. 2019. pp. 8812820.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I., Petrov M., Taramov A., Lipkin E. Smart City Platform Architecture for Citizens’ Mobility Support. Procedia Computer Science. 2019. Vol. 150. pp. 646-653.
Карпович С.Н., Смирнов А.В., Тесля Н.Н. Классификация текстовых документов с использованием вероятностной тематической модели. Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений. 2018. № 3. С. 69-77.
Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K., Shilov N., Teslya N. Service Self-Contextualization in Cyber-Physical Systems based on Context Modeling and Context Variation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2218. pp. 94-105.
Kashevnik A., Teslya N. Blockchain-Oriented Coalition Formation by CPS Resources: Ontological Approach and Case Study. Electronics. 2018. Vol. 7. No. 5. pp. 66.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I. Blockchain Platforms Overview for Industrial IoT Purposes. Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2018. pp. 250-256.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I. Ontology-driven approach for describing industrial socio-cyber-physical systems' components. MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. Vol. 161. pp. 3027.
Smirnov A., Ponomarev A., Levashova T., Teslya N. Human-machine cloud decision support in tourism. Scientific and Technical Information Processing. 2018. Vol. 45. No. 5. pp. 352-359.
Karpovich S., Smirnov A., Teslya N., Grigorev A. Topic Model Visualization with IPython. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2017. pp. 131–137.
Смирнов А.В., Пономарев А.В., Левашова Т.В., Тесля Н.Н. Поддержка принятия решений в туризме на основе человеко-машинного облака. Искусственный интеллект и принятие решений. 2017. № 2. С. 90-102.
Smirnov A.V., Teslya N., Savosin S.V., Shilov N.G. Ontology matching for socio-cyberphysical systems: An approach based on background knowledge. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2017. Vol. 10531. pp. 29-39.
Teslya N., Ryabchikov I. Blockchain-Based Platform Architecture for Industrial IoT. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2017. pp. 321-329.
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Yablochnikov E., Arckhipov V., Kipriianov K. Development of a prototype Cyber Physical Production System with help of Smart-M3. 42nd Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016. 2016. pp. 4890-4895.
Kashevnik A., Teslya N., Yablochnikov E., Arckhipov V., Kipriyanov K. Hybrid Automated Line Workstations Interaction Scenario for Optical Devices Assembly. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2016. pp. 92-99.
Smirnov A., Teslya N., Shilov N., Kashevnik A. Context-Based Trip Planning in Infomobility System for Public Transport. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2016. Vol. 450. pp. 361-371.
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N. Context-Aware Access Control Model for Privacy Support in Mobile-Based Assisted Living. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2015. Vol. 24. No. 3. pp. 333-342.
Smirnov A., Sandkuhl K., Shilov N., Teslya N. Context Variation for Service Self-contextualization in Cyber-Physical Systems. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2015. Vol. 208. pp. 309-320.
Kashevnik A.M., Teslya N., Padun B.S., Kipriyanov K., Arckhipov V. Industrial Cyber-Physical System for Lenses Assembly: Configuration Workstation Scenario. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2015. pp. 62-67.
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Teslya N., Mikhailov S., Shabaev A. Smart-M3-Based Robots Self-Organization in Pick-and-Place System. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2015. pp. 210-215.
Разработка методов и моделей построения сервис-ориентированной системы обеспечения инфомобильности
Тесля Н.Н. Принципы построения интеллектуальных транспортных систем для обеспечения инфомобильности. Труды СПИИРАН [SPIIRAS Proceedings]. 2014. № 6(37). С. 21-36.
Teslya N. Web Mapping Service for Mobile Tourist Guide. Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Proceedings of 15th Conference. 2014. pp. 135-143.
Teslya N., Savosin S.V. Smart-M3-Based Robot Interaction in Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2014. pp. 108-114.
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Shilov N., Teslya N., Shabaev A.I. Mobile Application for Guiding Tourist Activities: Tourist Assistant – TAIS. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2014. pp. 95-100.
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Shilov N., Shchekotov M., Teslya N. Smart Space-Based Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide: Service-Based Implementation. Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Proceedings of 15th Conference. 2014. pp. 126–134.
Smirnov A.V., Kashevnik A.M., Ponomarev A.V., Teslya N., Shchekotov M., Balandin S.I. Smart space-based tourist recommendation system: Application for mobile devices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2014. Vol. 8638. No. LNCS. pp. 40-51.
Teslya N., Smirnov A., Levashova T., Shilov N. Ontology for Resource Self-Organisation in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2014. Vol. 468. pp. 184-195.
Smirnov A., Kashevnik A., Ponomarev A., Shilov N., Teslya N. Proactive Recommendation System for m-Tourism Application. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2014. Vol. 194. pp. 113-127.
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