Синетова М.М. Adaptive state observers for a class of nonlinear systems: The non-triangular and non-state-affine case. Systems & Control Letters. 2025. Vol. 196. pp. 106020.
Zonetti D., Ortega R., Cisneros R., Bobtsov A., Mancilla-David F., Gomis-Bellmunt O. An observer-based composite identifier for online estimation of the Thevenin equivalent parameters of a power system. Asian Journal of Control. 2024. Vol. 26. No. 5. pp. 2229-2241.
Bobtsov A., Mancilla-David F., Aranovskiy S., Ortega R. Identification of the Photovoltaic Module Dynamic Model via Dynamic Regressor Extension and Mixing. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2024. pp. in press.
Bobtsov A., Ortega R., Romero J., Nuno E. Robust Consensus of Perturbed Euler-Lagrange Agents with Unknown Disturbances. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2024. Vol. 58. No. 6. pp. 190-195.
Ortega R., Bobtsov A., Nikolaev N., Costa-Castello R. Parameter estimation of two classes of nonlinear systems with non-separable nonlinear parameterizations. Automatica. 2024. Vol. 163. pp. 111559.
Beltran C.A., Bobtsov A., Ortega R., Langarica-Cordoba D., Cisneros R., Diaz-Saldierna L. Online Parameter Estimation of the Polarization Curve of a Fuel Cell with Guaranteed Convergence Properties: Theoretical and Experimental Results. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2024. Vol. 71. No. 11. pp. 14776-14783.
Бобцов А.А., Николаев Н.А., Ортега Мартинес Р., Слита О.В., Козачёк О.А. Адаптивный наблюдатель переменных состояния линейной нестационарной системы с частично неизвестными параметрами матрицы состояния и вектора входа [Adaptive State Observer for Linear Time-Varying System with Partially Unknown State Matrix and Input Matrix Parameters]. Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление [Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie]. 2022. Т. 23. № 6. С. 283-288.
Bobtsov A., Ortega R., Nikolaev N., Lorenz-Meyer M., Schiffer J. State Observation of Power Systems Equipped with Phasor Measurement Units: The Case of Fourth Order Flux-Decay Model. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2022. Vol. 67. No. 4. pp. 2123-2130.
Bobtsov A., Nikolaev N., Ortega R., Efimov D., Kozachek O. State Observation of Affine-in-the-States Systems with Unknown Time-Varying Parameters and Output Delay. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2022. Vol. 55. No. 12. pp. 341-346.
Pyrkin A., Bobtsov A., Vedyakov A., Ortega R., Vediakova A., Sinetova M. A flux and speed observer for induction motors with unknown rotor resistance and load torque and no persistent excitation requirement. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2021. Vol. 35. No. 8. pp. 1578-1593.
Bobtsov A., Nikolaev N., Ortega R., Efimov D.V. State Observation of Affine-in-the-States Time-Varying Systems with Unknown Parameters and Delayed Measurements. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2021. Vol. 54. No. 14. pp. 108-113.
Бобцов А.А., Ортега Мартинес Р., Николаев Н.А., Слита О.В., Козачёк О.А., Ван Ч. Оценка переменных состояния математической модели конвертора Чука с частично неизвестными параметрами [Estimation of state variables in the Cuk converter mathematical model with partially unknown parameters]. Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление [Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie]. 2021. Т. 22. № 9. С. 451-458.
Ortega R.S., Pyrkin A., Bobtsov A., Efimov D., Aranovskiy S. A Globally Convergent Adaptive Indirect Field-Oriented Torque Controller for Induction Motors. Asian Journal of Control. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 1. pp. 11-24.
Barabanov N.E., Ortega R.S. Global Consensus of Time-Varying MultiAgent Systems Without Persistent Excitation Assumptions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2018. Vol. 63. No. 11. pp. 3935-3939.
Ortega Martines R., Pantelei E.V., Bobtsov A.A. Comments on “Comparison of architectures and robustness of model reference adaptive controllers and L1–adaptive controllers”. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2016. Vol. 30. No. 1. pp. 125-127.
Bobtsov A.A., Pyrkin A.A., Ortega R.S. A New Approach for Estimation of Electrical Parameters and Flux Observation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2016. Vol. 30. No. 8-10. pp. 1434-1448.
Aranovskiy S.V., Ortega R.S., Cisneros R. Robust PI Passivity-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems: Application to Port-Hamiltonian Systems and Temperature Regulation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2015. Vol. 2015. pp. 434-439.
Efimov D.V., Ortega R.S., Schiffer J. ISS of Multistable Systems with Delays: Application to Droop-Controlled Inverter-Based Microgrids. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 2015. Vol. 2015. pp. 4664-4669.
Aranovskiy S.V., Bobtsov A.A., Pyrkin A.A., Ortega Martines R., Chaillet A. Flux and Position Observer of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors with Relaxed Persistency of Excitation Conditions. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). 2015. Vol. 48. No. 11. pp. 301–306.