Alexandrov D., Butakov N., Sokhin T. The Weak Supervision Approach for Question Answering over Text Using Triplets Recovering with QA-Based Rankers. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2022. Vol. 1401. pp. 167-177.
Khodorchenko M., Butakov N., Sokhin T., Teryoshkin S. Surrogate-based Optimization of Learning Strategies for Additively Regularized Topic Models. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 2022. Vol. 31. No. 2. pp. 287–299.
Zamiralov A., Sohin T., Butakov N.A. Knowledge graph mining for realty domain using dependency parsing and QAT models. Procedia Computer Science. 2021. Vol. 193. pp. 32-41.
Сохин Т.Р. Метод извлечения тематик из текстовой информации с применением нейронных сетей. Сборник трудов IX конгресса молодых ученых (Санкт-Петербург, 15-18апреля 2020г.). 2021. Т. 1. С. 265-267.
Egorov A., Sokhin T., Butakov N.A. Towards a Retrospective One-Class Oriented Approach to Parents Detection in Social Media. Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT. 2020. pp. 54-60.
Sokhin T., Khodorchenko M., Butakov N. Unsupervised Neural Aspect Extraction with Related Terms. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2020. Vol. 1292. pp. 75-86.
Khodorchenko M., Teryoshkin S., Sokhin T., Butakov N. Optimization of Learning Strategies for ARTM-Based Topic Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2020. Vol. 12344 LNAI. pp. 284-296.
Sokhin T., Butakov N.A., Nasonov D.A. User Profiles Matching for Different Social Networks Based on Faces Identification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2019. Vol. 11734 LNAI. pp. 551-562.
Sokhin T., Butakov N. Semi-automatic sentiment analysis based on Topic modeling. Procedia Computer Science. 2018. Vol. 136. pp. 284-292.
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