Smirnova A.A., Grafeeva N.G., Tokman M.A. Recognition of Church Slavonic Texts Using Machine Learning Methods. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (Advances in Mathematical Theory and Applications). 2024. Vol. 34. No. 1. pp. 212 -218.
Kieslich S., Schippers S., Schi W., Gwinner G., Lindroth E., Tokman M. Determination of the 2s-2p excitation energy of lithiumlike scandium using dielectronic recombination. Physical Review A. 2004. Vol. 70. No. 4. pp. 042714.
Glans P., Fogler M., Madzunkov S., Tokman M., Nikolic D., Mohamed T., Eklow N., Badnell N., Lindroth E., Schuch R. Dielectronic Recombination Used As a Tool for Spectroscopic Studies of Highly Charged Ions. Physica Scripta. 2004. Vol. 2004. No. T110. pp. 212-215.
Fogler M., Badnell N., Eklow N., Lindroth E., Madzunkov S., Mohamed T., Schuch R., Tokman M. High Resolution Recombination Measurements of Stored Ions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2003. Vol. 680. pp. 156-159.
Fogler M., Eklow N., Lindroth E., Mohamed T., Schuch R., Tokman M. Spectroscopic study of Mg-like Ni by means of dielectronic recombination of stored ions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2003. Vol. 36. No. 12. pp. 2563-2578.
Tokman M., Eklow N., Glans P., Lindroth E., Schuch R., Gwinner G., Schwalm D., Wolf A., Hoffknecht A., Muller A., Schippers S. Dielectronic recombination resonances in F6+. Physical Review A. 2002. Vol. 66. No. 1. pp. 012703.
Tokman M., Glans P., Lindroth E., Pesic Z., Schuch R., Vikor G. Accurate Calculations on Dielectronic Recombination Resonances in Cu-like Pb. Hyperfine Interactions. 2001. Vol. 132. No. 1. pp. 383-389.
Madzunkov S., Eklow N., Lindroth E., Tokman M., Schuch R. Dielectronic Recombination Resonances in Kr33+. Physica Scripta. 2001. Vol. T92. pp. 357-361.
Tokman M., Glans P., Lindroth E., Schuch R., Bjorkhage M., Danared H., Kallberg A., Pajek M., Norlin L. Towards a Determination of QED Effects in Cu-Like Pb Recombination Resonances Near Threshold. Physica Scripta. 2001. Vol. T92. pp. 406-409.
Kieslich S., Bohm S., Muller A., Schippers S., Shi W., Gwinner G., Schnell S., Wolf A., Lindroth E., Tokman M. Photorecombination of Lithium-like Sc18+ at Threshold: a Challenge for Atomic Structure Theory. Physica Scripta. 2001. Vol. T92. pp. 376 - 378.
Labzowsky L.N., Goidenko I., Pyykko P., Tokman M. Calculated self-energy contributions for an ns valence electron using the multiple-commutator method. Physical Review A. 1999. Vol. 59. No. 4. pp. 2707-2711.
Kello V., Sadlej A., Pyykko P., Sundholm D., Tokman M. Electric quadrupole moment of the 27Al nucleus: Converging results from the AlF and AlCl molecules and the Al atom. Chemical Physics Letters. 1999. Vol. 304. No. 5. pp. 414-422.
Sundholm D., Tokman M., Pyykko P., Eliav E., Kaldor U. Ab initio calculations of the ground-state electron affinities of gallium and indium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1999. Vol. 32. No. 24. pp. 5853.
Tokman M., Sundholm D., Pyykko P. Nuclear quadrupole moments of gallium isotopes obtained from finite-element MCHF calculations on the 4p 2P 3/2 state of Ga. Chemical Physics Letters. 1998. Vol. 291. No. 3. pp. 414-418.
Pyykko P., Labzowsky L.N., Tokman M. Estimated valence-level Lamb shifts for group 1 and group 11 metal atoms. Physical Review A. 1998. Vol. 57. No. 2. pp. R689-R692.
Labzowsky L.N., Tokman M.A. The Reference State Coulomb-Breit Qed Corrections for the Few-Electron Highly Charged Ions. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. 1998. Vol. 30. pp. 393-413.
Tokman M., Sundholm D., Pyykko P., Olsen J. The nuclear quadrupole moment of 14N obtained from finite-element MCHF calculations on N2+ (2p; 2P3/2) and N+ (2p2; 3P2 and 2p2; 1D2). Chemical Physics Letters. 1997. Vol. 265. pp. 60-64.
Labzowsky L.N., Tokman M. Reference state contributions to the two-photon interaction corrections for the energy shifts in multicharged few-electron ions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1995. Vol. 28. No. 17. pp. 3717.
Lindgren I., Persson H., Salomonson S., Karasiev V., Labzowsky L.N., Mitrushenkov A., Tokman M. Second-order QED corrections for few-electron heavy ions: reducible Breit-Coulomb correction and mixed self-energy-vacuum polarization correction. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 1993. Vol. 26. No. 16. pp. L503 - L510.
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