Novoselov S.A., Khmelev N.A., Anikin A.A., Malykh S.I., Korenevskaia A.M., Zorkina A.A., Volokhov V.A., Marchevskii V.D., Lavrentyeva G. In Search of Optimal Pretraining Strategy for Robust Speaker Recognition. 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2025. pp. in press.
Novoselov S., Lavrentyeva G., Volokhov V., Volkova M., Khmelev N., Akulov A. Investigation of Different Calibration Methods for Deep Speaker Embedding Based Verification Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2023. Vol. 14338. pp. 159-168.
Novoselov S., Volokhov V., Lavrentyeva G. Universal Speaker Recognition Encoders for Different Speech Segments Duration. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2023. pp. 1-5.
Novoselov S., Lavrentyeva G., Avdeeva A., Volokhov V., Khmelev N., Akulov A., Leonteva P. On the robustness of wav2vec 2.0 based speaker recognition systems. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 2023. pp. 3177-3181.
Методические указания к выполнению лабораторных работ по курсу "Распознавание диктора"
Методические указания к выполнению лабораторных работ по курсу "Цифровая обработка сигналов"
Lavrentyeva G., Novoselov S., Volokhov V., Avdeeva A.S., Gusev A., Vinogradova A., Korsunov I., Kozlov A., Pekhovsky T., Shulipa A., Smirnov E., Galyuk V. STC speaker recognition systems for the NIST SRE 2021. Odyssey 2022: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. 2022. pp. 1-11.
Gusev A., Volokhov V., Andzhukaev T., Novoselov S., Lavrentyeva G., Volkova M., Gazizullina A., Shulipa A., Gorlanov A., Avdeeva A.S., Ivanov A., Kozlov A., Pekhovsky T., Matveev Y. Deep Speaker Embeddings for Far-Field Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances. Odyssey 2020: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop. 2020. pp. 179-186.