Artomov M., Loboda A.A., Artyomov M.N., Daly M.J. Public platform with 39,472 exome control samples enables association studies without genotype sharing. Nature Genetics. 2024. Vol. 56. No. 2. pp. 327-335.
Skitchenko R., Smirnov S., Krapivin M., Smirnova A., Artomov M., Loboda A., Dinikina Y. Case report: A case study of variant calling pipeline selection effect on the molecular diagnostics outcome. Frontiers in Oncology. 2024. Vol. 14. pp. 1422811.
Usoltsev D., Kolosov N., Rotar O., Loboda A., Boyarinova M., Moguchaya E., Kolesova E., Erina A., Tolkunova K., Rezapova V., Molotkov I., Melnik O., Freylikhman O., Paskar N., Alieva A., Baranova E., Bazhenova E., Beliaeva O., Vasilyeva E., Kibkalo S., Skitchenko R., Babenko A., Sergushichev A., Dushina A., Lopina E., Basyrova I., Libis R., Duplyakov D., Cherepanova N., Donner K., Laiho P., Kostareva A., Konradi A., Shlyakhto E., Palotie A., Daly M.J., Artomov M. Complex trait susceptibilities and population diversity in a sample of 4,145 Russians. Nature Communications. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 1. pp. 6212.
Atkinson E., Artomov M., Loboda A.A., Rehm H., Macarthur D., Karczewski K.J., Neale B.M., Daly M.J. Discordant calls across genotype discovery approaches elucidate variants with systematic errors. Genome Research. 2023. Vol. 33. No. 6. pp. 999-1005.
Pinakhina D., Loboda A., Sergushichev A., Artomov M. Gene, cell type, and drug prioritization analysis suggest genetic basis for the utility of diuretics in treating Alzheimer disease. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances. 2023. Vol. 4. No. 3. pp. 100203.
Nehme R., Pietilainen O., Artomov M., Tegtmeyer M., Valakh V., Lehtonen L., Bell C., Singh T., Trehan A., Sherwood J., Manning D., Peirent E., Malik R., Guss E., Hawes D., Beccard A., Bara A., Hazelbaker D., Zuccaro E., Genovese G., Loboda A.A., Neumann A., Lilliehook C., Kuismin O., Hamalainen E., Kurki M., Hultman C., Kahler A., Paulo J., Ganna A., Madison J., Cohen B., Mcphie D., Adolfsson R., Perlis R., Dolmetsch R., Farhi S., Mccarroll S., Hyman S., Neale B., Barrett L., Harper W., Palotie A., Daly M., Eggan K. The 22q11.2 region regulates presynaptic gene-products linked to schizophrenia. Nature Communications. 2022. Vol. 13. No. 1. pp. 3690.
Kolosov N., Rezapova V., Rotar O., Loboda A., Freylikhman O., Melnik O., Sergushichev A., Stevens C., Voortman T., Kostareva A., Konradi A., Daly M., Artomov M. Genotype imputation and polygenic score estimation in northwestern Russian population. PLoS ONE. 2022. Vol. 17. No. 6. pp. e0269434.
A platform for case-control matching enables association studies without genotype sharing
Emelianova M., Gainullina A., Poperechnyi N., Loboda A.A., Artyomov M., Sergushichev A. Shiny GATOM: omics-based identification of regulated metabolic modules in atom transition networks. Nucleic Acids Research. 2022. Vol. 50. No. 1. pp. W690-W696.
Polygenic Risk Score Estimation in North-Western Russian Population
Лобода А.А., Сергушичев А.А. Вывод генных регуляторных сетей по данным экспрессии генов при помощи байесовских сетей [Inferring of regulatory networks from expression data using bayesian networks]. Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики [Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics]. 2020. Т. 20. № 6(130). С. 835-840.
Algorithm for gene regulatory network inference recovers biological insights from large-scale gene expression data (Abstract/Program #1426). Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, October 18, Houston.
Public platform with 42,291 exome control samples enables association studies without genotype sharing (Abstract/Program #98). Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, October 17, Houston.
Artomov M., Loboda A.A., Artyomov M., Daly M. A platform for case-control matching enables association studies without genotype sharing. BioRxiv [база препринтов]. 2019. pp. 1-26.
Определение структуры генной регуляторной сети по профилям экспрессии генов
Isomurodov J.E., Loboda A.A., Sergushichev A.A. Ranking Vertices for Active Module Recovery Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2017. Vol. 10252. pp. 75-84.
Ulland T.K., Song W., Huang S.C., Ulrich J.D., Sergushichev A.A., Beatty W.L., Loboda A.A., Zhou Y., Cairns N.J., Kambal A., Loginicheva E., Gilfillan S., Cella M., Virgin H.W., Unanue E.R., Wang Y., Artyomov M.N., Holtzman D.M., Colonna M. TREM2 Maintains Microglial Metabolic Fitness in Alzheimer's Disease. Cell. 2017. Vol. 170. No. 4. pp. 649-663.e13.
Loboda A.A., Artyomov M.N., Sergushichev A.A. Solving generalized maximum-weight connected subgraph problem for network enrichment analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2016. Vol. 9838. pp. 210-221.
Sergushichev A.A., Loboda A.A., Jha A.K., Vincent E.E., Driggers E.M., Jones R.G., Pearce E.J., Artyomov M.N. GAM: a web-service for integrated transcriptional and metabolic network analysis. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016. Vol. 44. No. 1. pp. W194-W200.
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